Code : A000563
Project : Medical assistance
Volunteer : Puppala seetharamarao
Benificiaries : Sambana appala naga prasad rao
Need : A poor man patient medical assistance
Location : srikakulam,bodemma temple street
Title : loving and serving the humanity
The bliss that is derived from such service is comparable. It is a spiritual discipline. The path of service that you have chosen now will lead gradually to the awareness that there is only one , that is humanity of caste and the religion of love with this regard we LAASA provided medical assistance service project through our volunteer Mr. Puppla Sethsramrao. Sambana appala naga prasad rao, age-40 is a resident of bodemma temple street, srikakulam. He is working as an electrician and he suffering from fits disease. He is unable to purchase medicine as per the pathetic conditions of his family. We provided medicine to the most deserving patient.
There are many ways to realize that what we are but there is only one short way the loving and serving the humanity stare your mind drive on the roads of selfless and reach the destiny of global harmony LAASA wishes and dreams. This is the motto of LAASA..

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