Good company is important; it helps to cultivate good qualities. This is a very powerful statement and we should keep it till to the last journey of our life. We think of having good qualities but sometimes fail to have attention on the company we hold. All of our virtuousness, thought process and verbal mannerism– all of these have a strong influence of company of us.
Always choose the positive attitude persons and walk with them where it will increase the quality of our life through values. We have the power of discrimination to think the good and bad. Our circle must be the good fruit of this discrimination. Hence, good company leads good qualities.
In this scenario, Mr.D.Prasada Rao, a teacher has been influenced by his friend and joined the LAASA. This stature of his qualitative life was because of his good company. In fact, his good company has gifted LAASA to his good life. As a volunteer, he found a very poor and meritorious student Miss K.Radha studying 2nd year D.Ed and unable even to pay a little college fee. This girl’s needy conditions are so pathetic. Her father earns just a few tens at PeddhaSedhi Village, Pathapatnammandal, Srikakulam dist. LAASA responded and stood behind this girl along with the volunteer and provided educational assistance. We the LAASA desire that this entire world must become a single good company and people live with love and good qualities.