Code : A000524
Project : Basic needs Assistance
Volunteer : Korada Thrinadha rao
Benificiaries : Rama Gullu
Need : A Poor woman need basic assistance
location : Gara manadal , Nakkapeta
Title : Globe is a temple
Seek out the poor, the neglected dwellers in hamlets, and take love and light in plenty to them.” God is the refuge of those who have no place to rest”, go to places where you can find such, and carry the message of hope and strength into their hearts. As synonym to these lines our volunteer Mr. korada thrinadha rao provided LAASA basic need assistance to a fire accident victimized person.
Rama Gullu Age 40+ is living in nakkapata, Gaara Mandalam, Sklm dist. She is a very poor and single person. Recently her little Hut caught fire and everything lost LAASA provided basic need things to pay our gratitude to society. Our love is the reply for any social need which occurs before our eyes. For LAASA this globe is a temple and every moving person is the reflection of the almighty. The mantra is only one that is…….

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