We also accept donations in the form of Cash Deposit/Cheque/DD/NEFT/RTGS Transfers to the Foundation A/c directly.
Our Bank Account Details:
LAASA Foundation
State Bank of India
Arasavalli Jn., Srikakulam
Note: As soon as you donate to our Foundation A/c or PAYTM A/c, please fill in the details in Donation Updation Form (Click Here), so that we will send the confirmation by SMS and Donation Receipt by Email.
Donate via PAYtm:
Donate via Phonepe
94940 71710
Donate via GPay(Google Pay)
94940 71710
Donate via UPI ID
Note: As soon as you donate to our Foundation A/c or PAYTM A/c, please fill in the details in Donation Updation Form (Click Here), so that we will send the confirmation by SMS and Donation Receipt by Email.