Code : A000487
Project : Infrastructure Assistance
Volunteer : Sadhu Chandrasekhar
Beneficiaries : Inmates of Behara Manovikas Kendra
Need : water and infrastructure
Location : Srikakulam
“To understand your true nature, you must do three things: Bend the body, mend the senses and end the mind. ‘Bend the body’ is to not allow the ego to develop within you. Perform all duties sincerely with humility. ‘Mend the senses’ requires you to examine how your senses behave; whether they are tending to go astray, and correcting and restraining them appropriately when they do so. ‘End the mind’ requires you to quieten the vagaries of your mind. How? For example, there is a lock and key. When the key is turned towards the left, the lock is locked. If the key is turned to the right, the lock is opened. The key is the same, difference in turning causes locking and unlocking. In you, your heart is the lock and mind is your key. Turn your mind towards God, your heart develops detachment. Turn your mind towards the world, it becomes attached. End the mind, means, turning your mind Godward!.”
LAASA salutes its volunteer Sadhu Chandrasekhar who has explained the meaning and the inner essence of all the vedas by identifying needy people – A peer service organization – Behara Manovikas Kendram having 52 mentally retarded children of Srikakulam who are need for some financial assistance for the maintainance. LAASA has committed to extend hand by providing the necessary Infrastructure Assistance by providing them with a Mineral Water Plant and its necessary maintenance that would help the foundation and the inmates curb the needs of pure water.
The basic essence of all the Vedas is to serve the needful with purity at heart with unity. As always LAASA is to Love all and Serve All to infinity and beyond.