CODE: A001285

PROJECT : Basic Needs Assistance

BENEFICIARY NAME : 45 Leprosy Patient Families & Sanitary Workers


LOCATION : Leprosy colony, srikakulam 

SUPPORT : LAASA Provided Basic Needs Support To 45 Leprosy Patient Families

45 Leprosy Patient Families Living In Leprosy Colony Srikakulam Are Greatly Affected By Lock Down Issues Due To Covid-19 Affect. They Used To Beg On Roads And Lead Their Lives, But In Current Situation They Are Unable To Come Out Of Their Houses. They Are Facing Lot Difficulties For Proper Food. All Of Tyhem Are Leprosy Patients And Highly Deserving.In This Lock Down Period Due To Covid 19 Affect The Sanitary Workers Are Doing Their Greatest Service. All These Workers Doing Their Service Yet Life Risk Hence, As A Token Of Our Gratitude To Their Matchless Service. We Laasa Provided Hand Wash And Detergent Soaps To 150 Sanitary Workers At Srikakulam & 45 Leprosy Patient Families under LAASA Basic Needs Assistance service project. This activity is proposed by LAASA Volunteer DANDA SATYARAO.

Love All And Serve All

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