Code : A000547
Project : Food & Nutrition Assistance
Volunteer : Durgu MahantiVenkata Dharmarao
Benificiaries : Jami Mohan Rao
Need : A poor poilo patient need food & nutrition support
Location : Vomarvilli
Title : search for good
Serve with the sense of gratitude , for it is God who accepts it from you. Regard seva as a form of service to the Divinity that is in each being . Every one of us can feel this when we deal this. We feed a very deserving person under our LAASA food project through our volunteer d mahanthi venkata dharmarao.
jami mohan rao age-40 is a resident of vomaravilli srikakulam district. He is a physically challenged person because of polio. his both legs were also having a phylaria effect. his wife left him in this pathetic condition. He has no support for food and medicine. Hold LAASA as a belonging person hold his hand and supported him to breathe and to lead the life
Search for good where ever you are search for good in each one you face, search for good in each phrase you listen then your life will be good and only the good this is what LAASA feels to say …..
love all and serve all