Purity prevails amidst impurity

Educational Assistance
GurugubelliDilleswara Rao
V.SarojaYamini Studying B.Tech 3 rd Year CSEat Sri VenkateswaraEng College Sklm. Her parents died of HIV. She has only one brother fighting with abloodlydisease. This Deserving Girl Facing Miserable Suffering In Paying College Fee.
LAASA’s Solution
Educational Assistance
V. SarojaYamini

Purity prevails amidst impurity and impurity exists in the midst of purity. Peace exists within restlessness. But it is said that one who lacks peace cannot have happiness. This is not quite correct. Instead of bemoaning the state of peacelessness one should strive for real peace with courage and faith. This is difference between the optimist and the pessimist. The pessimist sees only the thorn in the rose stalk, while the optimist enjoys the beauty of the rose.

Our LAASA Volunteer Mr. GurugubelliDilleswara Rao has done a noble service by identifying the critical situation of Ms. V SarojaYamini who lost her parents and who needs financial assistance towards her B. Tech 3rd year fee. LAASA might not remove all the thorns in her life but tried to give her hope that there are enough roses to cherish her life.

Everyone should develop a hopeful and optimistic outlook. The hopes should be centered not on worldly things but on self – realization. Even in persons of an unpleasant nature, be aware that the lord is in the heart even of that person. Have that aspect in mind and treat the person from that viewpoint. As always, LAASA is to Serve All with infinite selfless Love.