Thought – Word – Deed
Educational Assistance
Deepthi Godavarthi
G.Appa Rao Appearing Telugu Pandit Examination Is Facing Much Difficulty For The Payment Of His Course Fee. He Is Economically Very Poor To Pay The Fee.
LAASA’s Solution
Educational Assistance
G. Appa Rao
Kalaparthi Village, Srikakulam
Character is supreme. Behavior is born of character; if character is good, so would be the behavior. The welfare of a country depends on the character of its citizens. Men and women of character alone bring prosperity to a nation. Good conduct and character are the most essential requisites for a man. They are the basis of spiritual life. Character is built by constant practice of good actions.
Our LAASA Volunteer G Deepthi has done a tremendous deedby identifying a person G. Appa Rao by name who is economically poor also trying to appear his Telugu Pandit Examination which would provide him a good life further. LAASA appreciates this deed. Let us all pray the lord for G. Appa Rao to get through his exam and get settled in his life.
Perfect harmony in thought, word and deed is character. The thought to help manifests as word, the word translates into deed, the deed develops into habit, and the habit hardens into character. So, let’s all develop this habit of helping others. As always, LAASA is to Serve All with infinite selfless Love.