Act up to the motto “Love all and serve all”


Project:Basic Needs Assistance


Need:A poor and needy family

LAASA’s Solution:Provided basic needs assistance

Beneficiaries:V.SarojaYamini and family

Location:GudiVeedhi, Srikakulam Dist., AP.

God can be known only by experience and not by experiments. Sadhana(spiritual discipline) is needed for this purpose. Human beings who are engaged in exploring space do not make the slightest effort to explore the Divine within them. Of what use are experiments aimed at exploring space, while there is no genuine cultivation of human qualities and the practice of such basic virtues as showing reverence for the mother, the father and the preceptor? Everyone should act up to the motto “Love all and serve all”. Every edu­cated person should engage himself or herself in selfless service to society with humility and a pure heart.

With that motto, our volunteer V.V.L.Narasamma has identified a poor student Y.SarojaYamini and her family to be served. Y.SarojaYamini, who was studying B.Tech 3rd year,her brother is suffering with some deadly disease and her grandmother was working as a sweeper in a school was unable to earn even for food. LAASA provided Basic needs assistance for this deserving family at GudiVeedhi, Srikakulam Dist., AP.

We the LAASA with such motto served this poor and needy family. Selfless love and selfless service results in smiles and also pure love from the needy which are blessings from the Divine.