Code: A000690
Project: Food & Nutrition Assistance
Volunteer: Karri Ravi Prasad
Beneficiaries: Yellamma
Need: A poor woman need food & nutrition assistance
Location: Akkivalasa
Title: Have Inspiration
If you are not doing something with your life then it doesn’t matter how long you live if you are doing something with your life then it doesn’t matter how short you LIVE. Life is not measured by years lives but by its usefulness if you are giving loving serving helping encouraging and adding values to others then you’re living a life that counts we LAASA provide Food & nutrition assistance service project through our volunteer Mr Karri Ravi Prasad.
yellamma age 68 is a resident of akkivalasa, sklm She is working as a Sweeper in school, She is Physically Challenged. Her husband is very old to work to help her financially. This family is very downtrodden facing very much problem this family is facing problem even to get proper food. we LAASA provide food & nutrition support to this deserving couple.
We all are always searching for god afar off when all the while he is nearer to us than our own soul. In life you get what you put in when you make a positive impact in someone else’s life, you also make a positive impact in your own life. Make a great note in your life with the way of love and service and just don’t impact and have inspiration.