CODE: A000712

 PROJECT : Food & Nutrition Assistance

BENEFICIARY NAME : Karra Visalakshi & Karra Rajya Lakshmi

VOLUNTEER  NAME : Shavukara VailuntaRao

LOCATION : Housing Board Colony, Srikakulam

SUPPORT : LAASA Provided Food Support To Old Orphans

A poor and needy person name Karra.Visalakshi, age:80 years and Karra.Rajya Lakshmi, age:35 years living at Housing Board Colony, Srikakulam. These two persons are widows. Visalakshi daughter in law Rajya Lakshmi and her husband working as broker agent at RTO office. Now no one support to these family. we LAASA provided food Support under LAASA Food & Nutrition assistance service project to this most deserving person. This activity is proposed by LAASA Volunteer Shavukara Vaikuntarao

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