CODE: A001100

PROJECT : Medical Assistance


VOLUNTEER NAME : Belamana Naveen Kumar

LOCATION : Dr No:-1-120, SC Colony,Voppangi ,Sanivada Post,Srikakulam 

SUPPORT : LAASA Provided Medical Support To Deserving Patient

Tudumu Appanna Age 24 Years Is A Resident Of Sc Colony,Voppangi ,Sanivada Post,Srikakulam. He Belongs To A Very Poor Family. In A Celebration A Cracre Bomb Blasted In His Right Hand . His Hand Figures Are Totally Damaged And Removed He Is Facing A Lot Of Difficulty Towards Surgery Expenditure. we LAASA to provided Medical Assistance support to this Deserving Patient under LAASA Medical Assistance service project. This activity is proposed by LAASA Volunteer BELAMANA NAVEEN KUMAR.

Love All And Serve All

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