CODE: A001127

PROJECT : Medical Assistance

BENEFICIARY NAME : Kallepalli Narendra & Gujjala Jyothiprakash

VOLUNTEER NAME : Dindi Srinivas Padmaja Kumar Deo

LOCATION : Dandi Street, Srikakulam

SUPPORT : LAASA Provided Medical Support To Deserving Patients

Kallepalli Narendra Age 25 Yrs ,Gujjala Jyothiprakash Age 20 Yrs Are The Residence Of Dandi Street Srikakulam These Two Persons Are Daily Wages Workers. They Do Electrical Work For Their Living. Recently They Were Hit With A Massive Electric Shock Accident.Both These Poor Person Hands And Legs And Other Parts Of The Body Were Badly Burnt And Injured. We LAASA provided Medical support to this Deserving Patients under LAASA Medical Assistance service project. This activity is proposed by LAASA Volunteer DINDI SRINIVASA PADMAJA KUMAR DEO.

Love All And Serve All

A001127-M2 A001127-M3 A001127-M1 A001127-M4

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