CODE: A001296

PROJECT : Medical Assistance

BENEFICIARY NAME : Jarajana Chinnammi

VOLUNTEER NAME : Allu Sri HariNaidu

LOCATION : Kotturu, Parapuram, Srikakulam 

SUPPORT : LAASA Provided Medical Support To Deserving Patient

Jarajana Chinnammi Age 51 Is A Resident Of Kotturu, Parapuram, Srikakulam. She Is Kidney Failure Patient Her Family Is Not In Position To Meet The Expenses Of Medicine She Is In Great Need Of Medicine . Her Son Jarjana Balaraju Approached Laasa Foundation By Knowing About The Organisation In A Whats App Group. Looking At The Pathetic Condition Of This Family And Patient. we LAASA provided Medical support to this Deserving Patient under LAASA Medical Assistance service project. This activity is proposed by LAASA Volunteer ALLU SRIHARI NAIDU.

Love All And Serve All

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