CODE: A001308

PROJECT : Medical Assistance

BENEFICIARY NAME : Silla Surya Prakash Reddy

VOLUNTEER NAME : Shaik Madeena

LOCATION : Maddilapalem, Vishakapatnam. 

SUPPORT : LAASA Provided Medical Support To Deserving Patient

Silla Surya Prakash Reddy Age 45Y Is A Resident Of Maddilapalem, Vishakapatnam. He Is Suffering From Paralysis And Unable To Move And Work. Earlier He Worked As A Plumber. Now He Is Having Two Children And Wife. Now He Is Unable To Work And Facing Lot Of Difficulty To Purchase Even Medicine. We LAASA Provided Medical Support To Deserving Patient Under LAASA Medical Assistance Service Project. This Activity Is Proposed by LAASA Volunteer Shaik Madeena.

Love All And Serve All

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