Service will become meaningful when it manifests love that issues from sacrifice.The spirit of sacrifice is the basic equipment of a volunteer. Without the inspiration of the sense of sacrifice, your service will be hypocrisy, a hollow ritual. Inscribe this on your heart. Inscribe it deep and clear. So, whatever may be the act of charity you undertake, do it with the spirit of love and sacrifice. What does sacrifice do to man? It eradicates his selfishness. A self-centered man cannot attain the supreme. Hence, we must cultivate a broad mind and serve our fellow-beings.
There are millions of people waiting on the way we go. Their stretchy arms always question our mind that what we could do? One day or the other we must answer this question. We may not be able to do everything but we must utter something in favor of poor and needy.
Our volunteers Mr.P.V.J.Somayaji and Mr.B.RameshKumar have rendered a little service to 3 poor and meritorious students at Arasavalli Village, Srikakulam dist.LAASA foundation provided educational assistance by giving books and other material to Yugandhar (10th class), Rajeswari (8th class) and Sanjana (6th class).
A drop of tear is fear, let us be dear to poor and needy; and not allows sorrow near. This is the only wish of LAASA.