Code : A000505
Project : medical Assistance
Volunteer : Sakalabathula Rammohan
Benificiaries : Baratam Satyanarayana
Need : A Poor man need medical assistance
Location : Vombay colony , Srikakulam
Title : Bondage between all of us
Human lives are now passing on and filth over filth, bent, broken, diseased, distressed! To enoble these lives and to make the human heritage worthwhile, we have come we are evincing all the enthusiasm to teach you the proper attitude. Attitude will be find with only with good deeds to ensure and to perform good deeds our volunteer Mr S Rammohan rao approached LAASA for a major support to a lung patient Baratam satyanarayana, age-45, resident of vombay colony, Srikakulam. One of his lungs was removed because of severe infection. Now, the second lung is also getting infected. This particular deserving patient have no one to take care. Doctors advised him to use medicine at least for 1 year. In this heart core time with a humanity heart LAASA provided medicine and aid for his medical expenditure.
We feel that only in this human life one can serve another because the bondage between all of us is love alone hence we declared the mantra that is…