Code : A000582
Project : Medical Assistance
Volunteer : Temburu usharani
Beneficiaries : Siripuram Sudharsana Rao
Need : A poor deserving man need medical support
Location : Korasavada, Pathapatnam
Title : Thorough love
God is love and can be won only through the cultivation and exercise of love. He cannot be trapped by any trick; He yields Grace, only when His commands are followed – commands to love all, to serve all when you love all and serve all, you are serving yourself most this is what LAASA practicing . We the LAASA here rendered medical assistance service project through our volunteer Mrs. Temburu usharani age 40 years, living at Korasavada, Pathapatnam. Sudharsana rao ia dailywage labour and recently paralysis and diabetic attacked. He suffering from leg damage due to high diabetic. Doctor suggest to frequently dressing for his damaged leg and some medicines for paralysis control. He is not attending to work for his illness and also his sister depends to his family. I kindly request to LAASA please provide necessary requirements. In pathetic condition we LAASA provided medical assistance to the most deserving person.
Outside World is so small compare to your inner world in the physical world many will be with you but in the inner world you will be with you and few will be with you the few will be with you when you have thorough love towards others firstly love yourself the most and love others as yourself this is what LAASA desires