Love flows from a pure heart
Activity code A000228
Project medical assistance
Volunteers p.narasimhamurthy,g.suryarao,b.kalyanachakravarthi,m.dilleswararao & yamini sudha
Need very deserving patient for cancer treatment
Beneficiaries B.naresh(a deserving cancer patient)
Laasa’s support provided medical assistance for the treatment of cancer
Location mandapuram street, tekkali, srikakulam.
A wave of service, if it sweeps over the land catching everyone in its enthusiasm, will be able to wipe off the mounds of hatred, malice and greed that infest the world. laasa volunteer’s are the doctors who cured the sorrows of many our way of treatment is the divine love flows from a pure heart.
Our volunteers p.narasimhanmurthy,p.suryarao, b.kalyanachakravathi,m.dilleswararao, & yamini sudha help to B.naresh(18 yrs a deserving cancer patient) at mandapuram street, tekkali, srikakulam.
We the laasa supported this patient by providing medical assistance there are homeless and not having few rupees in their hands for any medical treatment. Laasa believes in one statement that is the human is god. Our love towards humanity is real worship